Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Something About Her

In 28th May 1998,a girl was born in PORT DICKSON and named,AINA KAMALIA.This girl is MY BFF.
I did close to her when we was at 11.Yeah,I tumpang dia setiap hari pergi sekolah agama.
From there,we started to become BFF.We've made a group named KAMI.Actually,firstly,we name it KITA.BUT,I changed it into KAMI.Kalau nak cerita,memang panjanglah kan?
Okay,actually time tu ada cerita KITA tu yang scha alyahya and the geng berlakon.So,aku tukar la to KAMI.Gempak sikit hee

She always tell her problem to me and she also tell me the whole thing about her family.She's kinda talkative and funny.She always make dumb jokes but,it makes me laugh tak henti-henti.
Maybe she had a brown pekat skin but,nobody's perfect right?So,just accept the reality!
She's good at advising me.Yeah,kalau tanya pendapat mesti ada jawapan punyaa!
She's understand me and my words.It's just so hard to find a friend like her.
I don't have any words anymore to prove that she's EXTRAORDINARY.

She is a LOVELY person.She do whatever for her friends..no matter what happen.She will scold to a people that hurting her friends.I can't deny it that SHE's BRAVE.
SHE'S A FAN SELENA GOMEZ.Also,like Selena's style.
If you want to know MORE about her,just click this link kay? http://www.lifee-like-this.blogspot.com

I don't care if she have her own BFF but,no matter what happen,WE WILL STILL TOGETHER <3

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