Friday, September 30, 2011

Like It's The End of School

(This picture has nothing to do with this post just sukasuka :D sorry)

Today like a last day of school to 1 KRK and KAA 'cause we have to cuti like 9 days!WOOOHOO!!
Cuti je it's not the end yet :) 
SO,right now memang lah rasa WOOOHOOO but time cuti mesti BORING gilaa.Then,nak masuk sekolah balik ALAAAA.THAT'LL HAPPEN IN ALL TEENAGERS LIFE.

Cuti ni NO HOMEWORK. mesti tak tahu nak buat apa cuti nanti.Folio-folio dah hantar.Nota dah siap.OHH YAA,lupa kena STUDY for periksa akhir tahunn :D
takut gila sebab takut dah tak layak masuk kelas KRK next year. *worried
So I have to buat betulbetul lah.HMM yeahh

Kay,Selamat bercuti and good luck to FORM 3 :D

1 comment:

  1. Eh eh eh.. Sentap mak, nak.. Bahaha.. Jeles aku bace post kau.. Waaa!!! Aku kene sekolah 4 hari.. Wei, sekolah kasik kelas aku cuti 3 hari je we.. Ini tidak adil, tidak adil bagi aina kamalia kamarulzaman.. BahahaEh eh eh.. Sentap mak, nak.. Bahaha.. Jeles aku bace post kau.. Waaa!!! Aku kene sekolah 4 hari.. Wei, sekolah kasik kelas aku cuti 3 hari je we.. Ini tidak adil, tidak adil bagi aina kamalia kamarulzaman.. Bahaha
